A collage of Teen Summit

GIG Offers Summer Camp Programs for Your GF Teen

Believe it or not, summer plans are already being made. Summer camps are always the highlight of the summer for kids, but when it comes to kids with celiac, summer camp isn’t always an option. Summer camps normally don’t cater to dietary restrictions, excluding kids with food allergies from all the fun. Luckily, Gluten Intolerance Group has a solution. The Generation GF Teen Summit is headed to Estes Park in the Colorado Rockies June 26 -29. This summit is designed for both gluten-free teens and their families with the goal of instilling confidence in teenagers as they enter the world as capable and self-assured gluten-free adults. Gluten-free teens, and their families, will enjoy a fun outdoor confidence-boosting adventure. Activities include horseback riding, an aerial course, Jeep 4×4 tour – plus speakers, campfires, great food, and lots of friends and fun. This is GIG’s 4th Generation GF Teen Summit. 

People sitting around the camp fire

 Previous events included prominent speakers from the gluten-free community, education on living, traveling, and socializing gluten-free, cooking and baking classes – and so much more. Through these events, gluten-free teens have cherished meeting other teens that are facing the same dietary challenges that they are, have enjoyed learning important skills that impact their lives, and leave feeling empowered to prepare to move into adulthood with the knowledge needed to live their best gluten-free life.

GF Teen Summit cooking class. Kids at cooking stations cooking.

 Registration cost for the GF Teen Summit in Estes Park, Colorado is $850 per person and includes:

  • transportation to/from the Denver airport to the event location
  • lodging for 3 nights at The Ridgeline Hotel
  • Gluten-free meals
  • A choice of “adventure” activity
  • Education-focused sessions


People riding horses in a field

 Both full and partial scholarships are available to attend this, Teen Summit. The deadline to apply for scholarships is March 1st. Register to join or apply for a scholarship for Generation GF Teen Summit 2023 today!


Tags: Camping Gluten-Free Summer

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