Food Allergies

Food Allergies, Intolerances & Sensitivities: What’s the Difference?

Are you confused by the words allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity? Almost no one uses them with any consistency. Even doctors use these words with far more authority than they can logically explain, if you can ever pin them down to give you an explanation. Inconsistency and a lack of standards are the only constants when […]

Weight Loss

Weight: When You Have the Will, But Not the Way

Have you ever tried to lose weight but couldn’t? Does it seem like no matter what you eat or how little you eat, you still can’t lose weight? Or do you have trouble gaining weight? Does it seem like you can eat and eat, but you still don’t gain weight? I know what many of […]

Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

Is Gluten Sensitivity Worse Than Celiac Disease?

How many times have you read that celiac disease is the worst form of gluten intolerance? Or maybe you’ve heard that celiac disease is the potential end-stage of gluten intolerance? And I know that you’ve read that gluten sensitivity isn’t nearly as severe as celiac disease, right? These statements sound fairly logical. But have you […]

Gluten Sensitivity

Your Guide to Understanding Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity is now the biggest issue in the world of gluten intolerance. It might even currently be the biggest issue in the food industry! It certainly is far more common than celiac disease, yet it remains poorly understood. If you react to gluten, then it is likely that you have a gluten sensitivity. But […]

Woman with Headache

Could It Be Gluten? Your Body’s Many Reactions

Think that your problem couldn’t be caused by gluten sensitivity? Think again. If you’re still under the impression that people who react to gluten always have diarrhea, then you’re still old school. If you think that it has to involve any digestive symptom at all, you’re behind the times. Gluten sensitivity comes in all shapes […]

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