Vegan Breakfasts On the Sweet Side

For me, there are two ways to approach breakfast: sweet or savory. If you go the savory route, you’re looking at things like scrambled eggs, frittatas, roasted potatoes, and hashes. When I think savory for breakfast, my mind always turns to eggs, which are off the table if you’re vegan. But if you go the […]

Gluten Free Homemade Pop Tarts

Gluten Free Dairy Free Pop Tarts Recipe

It is summer time which means the g-kids are here. Every year they come for a couple months and we cram in as many adventures, big and small, as we can. And every year we do a little gluten free baking together.

This year the kids suggested gluten free pop tarts. I thought that was pure genius! What an iconic and forbidden (since going gluten free) treat from my childhood. Little did I know that homemade pop tarts burned up the internet last summer; which just goes to prove I really do live under a rock. Nonetheless, homemade gluten free pop tarts? Definite genius!

The crust for these gluten and dairy free pastries is flaky and pretty easy to work with. I made three different versions, the first was with

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