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Top 5 benefits of collagen

Hi, my name is Carol and I’m a collagen addict. I am obsessed with collagen and that is nothing to be ashamed of! The obsession is in the many wonderful benefits, plain and simple. I’ve said it several times and I’ll continue to bring you information about collagen because I love it and truly do use it each and every day. To summarize my love for collagen, here are my top 5 benefits of collagen.

  1.  Joint care. Collagen helps joints stay strong and functional. This is especially great for athletes or people with arthritis.
  2. Glowing skin. The body’s ability to produce amino acids diminishes after age 25, which can mean the start to showing signs of aging. Supplementing collagen is a great way to keep your skin looking full and youthful.
  3. Strong connective tissues. Connective tissues, ligaments, and cartilage are some of the parts in the body that need the most protection from deterioration and damage, and collagen helps to achieve that.
  4. Post-workout recovery. Because collagen is a vital part of nearly every muscle, fiber, and ligament in the body, it makes sense that supplementing with collagen would help people recover quicker after strenuous workouts.
  5. Healthy hair and nails. Get glossier, heathier hair and stronger, less brittle nails with regular collagen intake. I’ve noticed a difference in my nails!

My favorite collagen is from grass-fed, pasture-raised cattle that Is free of growth hormones, antibiotics, and steroids, like that of Great Lakes Gelatin. This is the way I like my beef, so why would I settle for anything less in my collagen?

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The other thing I look for in a collagen product is how well it mixes into liquid. If it mixes up easily without any clumps, then it’s good! Great Lakes Gelatin’s collagen hydrolysate breaks down quickly and you can’t taste in juice, smoothies, coffee or other drinks.

Get yourself some collagen now and discover the benefits!

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owner’s. This blog accepts free manufacturers’ samples and forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. Affiliate links may be included in this post.

Tags: Collagen Great Lakes Gelatin
  1. Linda Greene Bullington
    May 25, 2020

    Where do I find collagen in a grocery store?

    1. Gluten Free & More
      May 26, 2020

      Hi Linda,

      Check the supplement aisle or where they have sports nutrition, like protein powders and things like that.

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