New to gluten-free? Make GreenPan your new cookware
If you are new to gluten-free, listen up! Going gluten-free is a lifestyle change, not just a diet. It requires that you look at sources of hidden gluten, like your dish sponge, your cutting boards, and your cookware, and replacing those things to avoid
Hunting for Hidden Gluten
Wouldn’t it be lovely if everything with gluten came labeled with a big red “X” on it? Everyone following a strict gluten-free diet needs to be careful about every single crumb of gluten, and being that vigilant can feel like a full-time job! Sometimes gluten is intentionally added to food as an ingredient. Often, gluten […]
Setting Up Your GF Kitchen Infographic
This helpful infographic gives you an overview of how to set up your kitchen when first going on a gluten-free diet.