Gluten Free Coconut Shrimp with Mango Sauce

Gluten Free Coconut Shrimp with Spicy Mango Sauce Recipe

When was the last time you indulged in some Coconut Shrimp on a gluten-free diet? For me the answer was, “Never!” Until recently, and boy, I did not know what I was missing!

Gluten Free Brie Quesadillas with Mango Salsa and Chipotle Sour Cream

Gluten Free Brie Quesadillas with Mango Salsa and Chipotle Sour Cream Recipe

This is a favorite flavor enhancer of mine when I am in the mood for a little kick. It also adds great depth of flavor and that little bit of something that people can’t quite figure out what it is. And it makes good sense to make a puree out the chipotle in adobo, as there

Mini Cheeseballs

Gluten Free Mini Cheese Balls Recipe

I’ve been in my own little world lately, hurtling headlong towards a deadline stuck in an endless cycle of cook, write, photograph, repeat. But apparently here in America we have a major sporting event of some sort coming up this weekend. Super…something.

I don’t know too much about it but from what I can gather

Tropical Dairy-Free No-Churn Ice Cream in a coconut shell

Gluten Free Tropical Dairy-free No Churn Ice Cream Recipe

My husband eyed me suspiciously when I asked if we owned a machete. Apparently he has not forgotten the time I asked if we owned a blowtorch, which resulted in repainting the kitchen. Long story

Gluten Free Braised Short Ribs with Smashed Potatoes Recipe

Gluten Free Easy Fall Do-Ahead Dinner for Eight Part 2 Braised Short Ribs with Smashed Potatoes Recipe

We are in the midst of a cold front here in my neck of the woods. Or more accurately, my little coastal Florida town is gripped by the icy fingers of a cruel Arctic wind. To really understand the magnitude of these low temperatures, (and no, it is not like my sister in Seattle suggested about 70 degrees – it was in the 30s!!!!) this is normally prime beach-going time.

During the summer, it is just way too

Gluten Free Cold Shrimp with Tropical Fruit Salsa

Gluten Free Cold Shrimp with Tropical Fruit Salsa Recipe

I have an idea for a travel ad for Florida in the summer. Want to hear it? Here goes:

Come to sunny Florida and experience temperatures found only in the fire and brimstone of Hell. Discover the delights of humidity ranges that are technically called icky, sticky, muggy and yucky. You will be amazed to find