Gluten Free Cauliflower Piccata

Gluten Free Cauliflower Piccata Recipe

Cauliflower – love it or leave it?

I will admit that growing up I could leave it, dare I say I went as far as being an almost hater? Sure it was okay when covered with creamy cheese sauce or raw dipped into ranch dressing. But it you are going to eat all those calories and extra fat, wouldn’t it better just to have a piece of flourless chocolate cake? Topped with caramel sauce? And maybe some whipped cream? But I digress.

Gluten Free Chicken Picatta Recipe

Gluten Free Chicken Piccata Recipe

A few decades ago, some cute British boys (The Beatles) called a generation to revolution through song. Today another cute Brit is calling the world to a different kind of revolution. A food revolution.
Jamie Oliver wants to change the way we eat and

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