Gluten Free Mile High Biscuits

Gluten Free Mile High Biscuits Recipe

I was recently asked in an interview “what keeps you up at night?” My answer was “how can I do it better?” Whatever “it” is, I am always wondering if there couldn’t be a better way, and easier way, a prettier way, a more foolproof way.

Such is the case of biscuits. For months now it has been bothering me that while a high percentage of people who tried my gluten free biscuit recipe got good results there were a few

Gluten Free & More e books

new Kindle book FREE today!

You can now get my recipes on Kindle e-books! And if you don’t have a Kindle, that’s OK. Just download the Kindle App for free to your smart phone, tablet, PC or Mac. Today and today only, you can get the first e-book, Gluten Free & More Appetizers, for FREE! If you download it and […]

Gluten Free Cherry Meringues

Gluten Free Cherry Meringues Recipe

Need a last minute Easter dessert idea? No problem – I have one for you! These pretty little meringue nests are naturally gluten free, bite sized treats filled with chocolate whipped cream and a cherry on top.

The base of these treats are simply meringue that I scooped with an ice cream scoop and then made and indentation in the center with the back of a small spoon (I actually used a melon baller) – no complicated piping for me.

Gluten Free Vegetable Curry Recipe

Gluten Free Nut Free Vegetable Panang Curry Recipe

These days I am trying to incorporate more vegan and vegetarian dishes into my meal planning. I credit my son as the inspiration; he often sends me photos of the fabulous vegan gluten free dishes he creates via text. I find that if my dishes are packed with flavor, I do not miss meat one little bit. This recipe is a nut free, gluten free, vegan version of panang curry which certainly fits the description of packed with flavor!

Panang curry is a mild Thai curry which typically includes

Gluten Free Pound Cake

Gluten Free Pound Cake Recipe

Pound cake and I have a long history. My mother used to serve it to us often. We would have it for dessert one night and the following day toasted for breakfast. Those were the only days I didn’t have to reluctantly drag myself to the breakfast table.

As a teenager there was many a time when I nursed a broken heart with a loaf of Sara Lee Pound cake. Somehow it was the only thing that was able to restore my will to live in those tumultuous teen angst times.

Gluten Free Apple Cake with Cinnamon Honey Glaze Recipe

Gluten Free Apple Cake with Cinnamon Glaze Recipe

It’s been dreary and rainy in my neck of the woods for a few days and to brighten things up I thought we needed cake!

This gluten free apple cake is simple; grain and refined sugar free and is surprisingly buttery in flavor. Surprising because there isn’t a spec of dairy in it. And just the thing to brighten up a bleak winter’s day.