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Boost your Coffee with Bone Broth Protein

Protein powder is the epitome of convenience. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE convenience! Naturally, people think of fitness when they think of protein powder, but it’s not just something used by athletes or dedicated gym-goers. Protein powder is an excellent way to get in extra nutrients and protein (duh!) when you’re on-the-go, in between meals, or when you feel like your body needs a boost but you’re not in the mood to eat or you aren’t craving a regular meal.

Since I often don’t eat breakfast and just go straight to coffee, I find one of the best ways to get some fuel for the early part of my day is to mix a scoop of protein powder in my coffee. Recently, I tried Ancient Nutrition protein powder, which is a bone broth protein, so not only is it naturally gluten free but it’s also dairy free and Paleo and contains collagen – which is an important supplement for anyone over the age of 25.
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In coffee, you can use the Pure (neutral), Chocolate, Vanilla, or Coffee varieties – all are equally delicious. Each variety has 20 grams of protein per serving.

Collagen is vital for healthy bones, joints, skin, muscles, and basically the entire body! Bone broth and collagen are helpful for the gut lining, which is great for those with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or other digestive-related issues.
If you’re wondering how Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein is made, it starts as a bone broth liquid and then it is dehydrated into a powder, so you get the same benefits as a warm cup of broth.

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Tags: Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Bone Broth Protein Coffee Collagen Dairy Free Gluten-Free Gluten-Free Products Paleo Protein Powder

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