Gluten Free Black Bean Manchego & Polenta Casserole Recipe
I have a love/hate relationship with pot luck suppers. As a guest, I appreciate the fact that I can bring a dish, contribute to the meal, and know it is guaranteed there will be something gluten free there for me to eat.
As a hostess, I have a little trouble letting the control of my menu go. OK, I may be just a bit of a control freak. I am willing to admit it. Having said that
Gluten Free Cuban Black Bean Soup Recipe
Living in Florida has its benefits; even during the dead of winter the temperature is almost balmy, there are plenty of white, sandy beaches and azure blue waterways, and we have a strong Cuban influence in the culture and cuisine.
Elderly gentlemen still roll cigars by hand, café con leches can be purchased at Cuban coffee shops for a fraction of the prices of a latte from Starbucks and Latin spice livens up the food. My homage to the Cuban culture
Vegan Chipotle Black Bean & Quinoa Burgers Recipe
This Fourth of July I just may be declaring my own personal independence from meat.
I have never thought that a Fourth of July celebration was complete without some sort of burger or slider. Usually it is good old fashioned American hamburgers made from freshly ground beef with a gluten free bun. But sometimes I like to switch things up, last year it was lamb sliders with tzatziki sauce, a few years ago it was pork burgers with barbeque sauce and coleslaw. But this year I am thinking Gluten Free Vegan Chipotle Black Bean and Quinoa Burgers may just be my burger of choice.
My son was recently
Gluten Free Southwestern Black Bean Stew with Sweet Potato Mash Recipe
I am not an indecisive person, if given a choice between a rock and a hard place I use my head and my heart, make a decision and then commit to my choice 100 percent. When there is a difference of opinion between my hubby and me, we settle it in an intelligent, sensible, mature manner – Rock, Paper, Scissors!
This particular gluten free recipe however left me uncharacteristically indecisive – I just can’t decide whether it is best eaten as a stew spooned over mashed sweet potatoes or poured into a casserole dish, topped with the sweet potato mash, baked and served as a vegan, Southwestern version of Sheppard’s Pie.
In the end it was trying to come up with a name for the recipe that swayed me slightly. Technically a Sheppard’s Pie is made with lamb. When the same type recipe is made with beef, it is called a Cottage Pie. So what would I call a pie made with black beans, vegetables and Southwestern seasonings? Ranchero Pie? Garden Pie? Nothing stuck me as having
Gluten Free Spicy Citrus Black Bean Soup Recipe
Winter time in Florida can be sort of a mixed bag – beautiful sunny days in the mid-seventies can be interspersed with cold, blustery, rainy days. Sometimes two or three days of dark, freezing (and by freezing I mean somewhere in the 50s – sorry, don’t hate me, our summers are killers) miraculously change mid-day, the sun comes out and the temps start to soar. This can be challenging when deciding what gluten free recipe to prepare for dinner.
Last week the temps dropped into the high 30s! (Seriously cold for our very thin Floridian blood.) In my mind cold weather calls for big bowls of hearty soup, preferably a spicy black bean soup that warms the bones and fills you up. So I soaked some beans in anticipation of a warming, soul lifting soup dinner on a dark, stormy night. By the time I was ready
Gluten Free Cowboy Salsa Recipe
Filled with black beans, tomatoes and corn this is a tasty, gluten free dish to serve with chips, as a salad or as a topping for grilled fish and chicken