Gluten Free Caprese Tarts

Gluten Free Quick & Easy Caprese Tarts Recipe

I am so excited I can hardly stand it? Why? Because after 3 years, countless trips to the garden store, more money than I want to say out loud and a string of disappointing, complete and utter failures, we finally learned how to grow tomatoes here in Florida! (And by we I mean the hubby!) I may just have to come up with a ton of new, gluten free tomato recipes. We have gigantic red ones, sweet, mellow yellow ones, tiny cherry tomatoes…

I have been in tomato heaven. For the first couple weeks I did nothing with them but sprinkle on a little sea salt and enjoy the juicy ripeness of sun warmed, fresh tomatoes straight from the garden – juices running down my arm, a smile on my face. Now that I have grown accustomed to

Gluten Free Recipes   Caprese Pasta Salad

Gluten Free Caprese Pasta Salad Recipe

The incredible love child of a caprese salad and a gluten free pasta salad. A vibrant, gluten free recipe that could not be easier and is perfect for entertaining

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