Raspberry Resolution Cocktail

Raspberry Resolution Cocktail

Pull out that bottle of bubbly and let’s toast to another year gone and a new one on the horizon! The Raspberry Resolution adds a fun, delicious twist to the basic mimosa. This cocktail is a perfect pairing for a New Year’s Eve cocktail party or for a New Year’s Day brunch.

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Passionate Bubbles

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Champagne & St. Germain

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Blushing Bride

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Veronica’s Champagne Cocktail

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Gluten Free Pomosa Drink Recipe

Gluten Free Pomosa Recipe

I ran into a friend a while back and was blown away by how fantastic she looked. Always a pretty woman, she had recently lost about 15 pounds and her clothes looked amazing on her. When I asked what brought about the weight loss, she said that she had suffered from a breakup and was so distraught that she had lost her appetite.

Now I have lost a lot of things in

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