Gluten Free Graveyard Cupcakes

Gluten Free Graveyard Cupcakes

The answer to school functions and parties is simple – bring gluten free treats to share and your kiddo won’t wind up caving into temptation or end up feeling left out.

These creepy graveyard cupcakes are so easy to make that you can even get the kids involved – another great way to

Gluten Free Black Bean Spaghetti with Roasted Butternut Squash

Gluten Free Black Bean Spaghetti with Roasted Butternut Squash

Pasta – it is one of the things that people embarking on a gluten free or grain free diet feel they will miss the most. And I have to admit I was one of those people. Pasta was my go-to meal.

Traditional pasta has very little fat, assuming you don’t

Bloodshot Eyeball Deviled Eggs

Bloodshot Eyeball Wasabi Deviled Eggs Recipe

Halloween is not all about candy.

Or at least it doesn’t have to be.

These creepy blood shot eyeball deviled eggs are the perfect thing for your Halloween party. They will delight (or disgust) kids and grown-ups alike.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Cheese Cakes in a Jar

Gluten Free Pumpkin Cheesecakes in a Jar Recipe

Why should kids have all the fun on Halloween? Let’s face it they have it pretty good – they get to dress up in awesome costumes and go around the neighborhood collecting up bags of candy.

But what about the parents? They have to walk around for hours being on constant parental alert – keeping excited kids from running in the street, fixing fallen kitty cat ears, and confiscating sketchy candy. If those parents are anything like me they were also up all night the night before finishing up those awesome costumes

Gluten Free Baked Pumpkin Doughnuts

Baked Gluten Free Pumpkin Doughnuts Recipe

It’s October and that means pumpkin season! Pumpkins for carving, pumpkins for pie, pumpkins for breads, cakes and yes, doughnuts!

I can’t think of a better way to start a crisp fall day than with healthy Baked Gluten Free Pumpkin Doughnuts that are free of dairy and refined sugar. Unless they also happen to be super easy to prepare, packed with protein and grain free as well

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Frozen Banana Mummies

Written by Alexa Croft
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