Everyday Lasagna

Written by Stephanie O’Dea

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Slow Cooker Lasagna

Written by Stephanie O’Dea

Gluten Free Vegan Lasagna

Gluten Free Vegan Lasagna Recipe

What could better for Sunday dinner than lasagna? Lasagna is one of my favorite go-to meals for weekends and when asked to bring something to pot luck dinners. Seriously, what is not to love about lasagna?

As I recently discovered, lasagna also makes for a pretty fabulous vegan main dish.

Gluten free Mexican Lasagne

Gluten Free Mexican Lasagna Recipe

I don’t really need a holiday to make Mexican my go-to meal of the day! But if I need an excuse, Cinco de Mayo is a great one.

Anyone who regularly reads this blog knows that Mexican is my “go-to” food for just about anything. I can honestly say that if I had to pick one regional or international food type to eat for the rest of my life, it would be Mexican. I don’t know what it is about Mexican food that has me so entranced

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Butternut Squash Lasagna


Gluten Free Pastitso Recipe

Gluten Free Pastitso Recipe

I must admit, I have trepidation when it comes to pot luck parties. As a guest and a person on a gluten free diet, I am concerned about how much the food I can safely eat. As a hostess and a person who may possibly have a few control issues, I just sort of melt down at the thought of having most of the food and presentation out of my control.

Having said that, some of my most successful parties have been pot luck; I once hosted a Christmas Eve party where everyone brought something traditional to their family and for a going away party for a friend everyone brought the dish they made that my friend most enjoyed. Both of these parties celebrated the

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