Cutting Techniques

Cutting Techniques

Cut virtually across the food to create thin, flat, even pieces.


Slice the food first, then stack the slices and cut crosswise to create cubes. Cutting into small cubesabout ½-inch to ¾-inch creates pieces of the same size, which allows for uniform cooking.



Julienne (or matchstick)
Square off round foods first, then slice thinly, stack, and cut into long strips. This is a great technique for vegetables and it adds to their presentation. A good matchstick size for most recipes is 1/8-inch x 1/8-inch x 2-inch.



Slice and dice the food first, then create the mince by rocking the knife back and forth over the diced food to create very small, fine pieces. This technique is useful for aromatics like garlic, onions, and ginger root.

Written and illustrated by Erin Rogers Pickering

Tags: Erin Pickering Magazine
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