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Celebrate Dad with a fun twist on burgers

In my family, Father’s Day typically means an afternoon outside by the grill, cooking up some good food and celebrating all the dads in the family. If this is the same type of celebration you and your family intend to have, allow me to give you a secret that will make your burgers (or other food) extra-special!

ParmCrisps are delicious cheese crisps that can be served as-is, with a dip, crumbled onto a salad like croutons, crushed and used as breading for meats, and much more. My newest favorite way to use these is on top of burger patties instead of regular cheese. It gives you the cheese but with a crunch to make the burgers more unique. You can use any variety of ParmCrisps as a topping on your burger, but I suggest jalapeño for those who like a little kick and sesame for anyone making a teriyaki-style sauce for the burgers.

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If you haven’t heard of or tried ParmCrisps yet, let me give you a quick rundown on what makes these so great! First, they use only one or two ingredients – 100% Parmesan cheese plus seasonings (the Original variety is just cheese). The simplicity of these means you don’t have to worry about unknown additives and artificial ingredients … and you definitely don’t have to worry about gluten. Next, they are free of rBST growth hormone, low in calories, contain 0 grams of carbs, 9 grams of protein, and are rich in calcium. Plus, aged cheeses like Parmesan are extremely low in lactose, meaning they’re actually a good option for many people with lactose intolerance.

This Father’s Day, top your burger with ParmCrisps or use them as chips for a delicious dip. They’ll bring a level of fun and a new twist to your meal!

Tags: Burgers Father's Day ParmCrisps Parmesan Cheese

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