Hands holding multiple boxes to show GIG Cares packages

Gluten Intolerance Group Works to Reduce GF Food Insecurity

For more than 47 years, the Gluten Intolerance Group has helped lead the charge for better safety, more inclusion, and accessible resources for people who eat gluten-free. Their overall goal is to try to make life easier for people living gluten-free, and with their programs like the Gluten Free Certification Organization, Food Service Validation, support groups, and teen/kid outreach programs, they are doing just that. Now, with their newest endeavor, Gluten Intolerance Group is working to reduce gluten-free food insecurity.

GIG’s newest program is called GIG Cares, which will send monthly boxes of Certified Gluten-Free food products to people in financial need. Since gluten-free food is often more expensive than its gluten-containing counterparts, Lexie Van Den Heuvel founded Cutting Costs for Celiacs in 2013 with the goal of providing stipends and care baskets for low-income families with children with celiac disease. The program was based in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. In 2020, after connecting with Cynthia Kupper, CEO of GIG, they decided to team up and take the idea to the national level under GIG.

Inside of a GIG Cares package with gluten-free products in it

Food insecurity affects 1 in 6 people who need to be gluten-free. About 75% cannot afford their diet because the cost is 183% more expensive than a traditional diet. GIG is helping to combat this with the GIG Cares program.

This is an application-based program for anyone living gluten free who is experiencing food insecurity. If you or someone you know could use help with obtaining gluten-free food, visit GIG Cares to apply.

Tags: Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
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