Give Your Immune System Some Love With LivOn Labs Supplements
It’s that time of the year again when the weather starts to get warmer, and allergies start to act up a bit more. With all these seasonal changes, give your immune system a little bit of support with LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus.
Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus is a better way for everyone to make sure they have enough nutrients for metabolic, nerve, skin, and immune system health. B vitamins, and minerals zinc and selenium, are important for optimal health, but easily depleted. Many common medications deplete B vitamins, including acid blockers, antibiotics, blood pressure medication, and many more. Everyday life can also deplete B vitamins. Stress can make you burn through B12 while gut conditions like Celiac disease make it difficult for your body to get all it needs from food.
Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus contains active forms of all the B vitamins, plus the minerals zinc and selenium, in a goo made from nutrient-rich spheres called liposomes. These liposomes transport nutrients through the digestive system and into the cells for absorption, outsmarting your body’s restrictive nutrient transport systems. Between the vitamins, minerals, and goo, this supplement has nutrients needed for thyroid health, converting food into energy, skin health, and to support normal blood sugar levels to name a few.
LivOn Labs supplements are different than your traditional oral vitamin pills and powders. They are the first company to use liposomal encapsulation technology, which may make it easier for those with celiac to absorb the necessary nutrients in supplements. Once a day you simply squeeze the packet into 1-3 ounces of cold water and swallow it in one gulp, like a shot.
For a limited time, buy B Complex Plus and get sample packs of all 6 Lypo-Spheric® supplements free. Treat your body with the nutrients it needs and give Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus a try!
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