Shay-Defloured-&-Proud-HR feature

Behind the Scenes of a Guest Editor

Behind the Scenes of a Guest Editor

by Shay Ryan

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have a career as a meteorologist doing something I love- it is the optimal blend of science, creativity, and community connection for me. I am even luckier to be working for a local TV station that encourages me to share my passion for food through my food blog,, they also air a weekly cooking segment that I produce and have supported me in contributing to Gluten Free & More Magazine. You could say that this celiac’s cup is overflowing with gluten-free goodness. Then GF&M asked me to be a Guest Editor for the Fall Issue. No mind to an overflowing cup, I jumped at the chance to luxuriate over food (that I can eat) and broaden my connection with the gluten-free community!

We began with an editorial meeting with GF&M’s Founder and the Publisher, Daisy Ward. The goal was to collectively decide what recipes, health or social/emotional stories, travel, special features, and holidays would be covered in the issue. We discussed recent topics and questions we weren’t sure had been answered or might need updating. Imagine all of the questions and thoughts that you might have about having celiac disease or about gluten and having a group of people who “get it” and want to know about the same stuff or taste the same food. The resources were right there at my fingertips and no one was looking back at me with a lack of understanding. Yes. It was awesome.

When I am at home working on my blog, I do research, develop a recipe, cook, decorate, set a table, and take photos/videos while fending off my family from stealing the food. I cross my fingers that my pictures/video will be good enough to publish/air or fix in “post” (industry term for creative editing). Then I holler to my family that it is time to gobble up what had inevitably gotten cold (they never complain). Then I clean up and flop on the couch utterly exhausted. It is that satisfying exhaustion that you only get when you are putting your heart and soul into doing something you love.

Putting content together for Gluten Free & More Magazine was not the solo act I had at home for my blog. I spent time on-site collaborating with and learning from the magazine’s talented and knowledgeable staff who understand the gluten-free world. Julia Gennocro (aka T.J.), the lead photographer has the whole process of staging food, lighting, shooting, and editing down to a science (meteorologists love science!). While she set up the studio, Kristina Jautze and I got down to business in the kitchen. The gluten-free kitchen.

While making a glaze for one of the doughnuts, something didn’t seem quite right. So we bounced some ideas off each other until we got a glaze we liked. That may seem inconsequential to some, but to a celiac, working in a safe kitchen, with someone who knows what ingredients are safe, without fear or much thought, that was priceless. We cooked, decorated, cleaned, and assisted Julia while she captured the displays of deep-fried and baked deliciousness. The whole day was fun, efficient, and productive. I was beaming, smiling from ear to ear as I drove home, exhausted. In that really, really wonderful way.

Having celiac, we get used to doing many things by ourselves. From things as simple as figuring out how to eat three meals a day, every day, without getting sick, to advocating for our health every time we eat outside of our home or travel. Sometimes it can be rewarding, but a lot of the time it feels embarrassing and overwhelming. Working with Gluten Free & More Magazine gave me a team to collaborate with. An opportunity to become directly involved with the celiac and gluten-free community in a way I hadn’t before. We all love food and are passionate about it and I never once felt the need to apologize for what we were making. That was liberating, something I hadn’t felt connected to food in a very long time. I hope when you read this magazine or make one of the recipes from it, that it gives you that feeling of normalcy and a sense of the community we are all a part of but don’t always make a point of connecting to.

I’d like to congratulate Kayla Cappiello, on being the next Guest Editor for the Winter Holiday Issue! Readers are likely familiar with her as a regular contributor to the GF&M magazine and creator of This is going to be a particularly wonderful issue (I happened to get a peek at a few pages) that we will all enjoy diving into this November. And I am certain Kayla will have an equally fabulous experience wearing the Guest Editor hat! Enjoy!

Thank you GF&M for this amazing opportunity!

Want some of Shay’s favorite recipes? Head on over HERE for a free e-Book.


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