Spa Skincare

New Year, New Daily Skincare Routine

It’s a new year, folks! And what better time than now to clean up your skincare routine? Most of us use the same skincare products on a regular basis and don’t think too much about

Concealer Article Image

Makeup Matches for You and Your Budget

Finding the right makeup is a lot like finding the right person to date. You search and search and search, based on pictures and descriptions, and if you’re lucky, maybe
a review or two from

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Coffee Cellulite Scrub

While caffeine may contribute to that lumpy, dimply flesh known as cellulite when taken internally (i.e. your morning latte), coffee can help reduce the appearance of cellulite when applied to the skin in the form of a scrub. With swimsuit season in full swing, now is the time to try this simple yet effective home […]