Hidden Gluten

Hunting for Hidden Gluten

Wouldn’t it be lovely if everything with gluten came labeled with a big red “X” on it? Everyone following a strict gluten-free diet needs to be careful about every single crumb of gluten, and being that vigilant can feel like a full-time job! Sometimes gluten is intentionally added to food as an ingredient. Often, gluten […]

Gluten Sensitivity

Your Guide to Understanding Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity is now the biggest issue in the world of gluten intolerance. It might even currently be the biggest issue in the food industry! It certainly is far more common than celiac disease, yet it remains poorly understood. If you react to gluten, then it is likely that you have a gluten sensitivity. But […]

Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

Is Gluten Sensitivity Worse Than Celiac Disease?

How many times have you read that celiac disease is the worst form of gluten intolerance? Or maybe you’ve heard that celiac disease is the potential end-stage of gluten intolerance? And I know that you’ve read that gluten sensitivity isn’t nearly as severe as celiac disease, right? These statements sound fairly logical. But have you […]

Get Lean & Fit

Get Lean & Feel Great!

How to Go Gluten-Free for Weight Loss & Health It seems like the latest craze to lose weight these days is to just go gluten-free. But if you don’t go gluten-free the right way, it can actually also lead to major weight gain. This can happen when you rely on the packaged, highly-processed gluten-free foods […]

Summer Beach Body

The Lazy Days of Summer

The Perfect Time to Get Fit and Healthy! As we relax into the heart of summer with longer, lazier days spent in the great outdoors, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of the slower pace of life and improve our health, nutrition, and fitness! Our 3-day meal plan is designed to keep […]

Tired Woman

Tired? Exhausted? It Could Be Gluten.

If you’re tired of feeling tired, consider gluten as a potential culprit.There are many studies that cite fatigue as a common and prevailing symptom associated with both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. A recent study published in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology (May 2012, “Opinion: New understanding of gluten sensitivity”) specifically noted that in gluten […]

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