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Pineapple Margaritas


Gluten Free Coconut Mango Clafoutis

Gluten Free Coconut Mango Clafoutis Recipe

Clafoutis (pronounced klah-foo-tee) is traditionally a French dessert which consists of black cherries baked in a custardy batter. I love to make clafoutis for three reasons:

1. It is easily made gluten free
2. It is dead simple to make
3. I love to say clafoutis – it makes me feel all French and sophisticated

It is not exactly cherry season so I decided to change up my clafoutis recipe with some

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Agave & Citrus Poached Pears with Blackberry Drizzle

Written by Colin O’Neal

Gluten Free Gin Gimlet

Ginebra Gimlet Recipe

Apparently back in the day British naval officers were ordered to drink lime juice on voyages to prevent scurvy. Unfortunately lime juice does not keep well on long voyages so a Royal Navy Admiral named Gimlette figured out to preserve the lime juice in gin. Now, I am not exactly sure what scurvy is but I am fairly certain I don’t want to get it! If I have to drink gin and lime juice to keep from getting scurvy, well so be it.

Gluten Free Spatini

Gluten Free Spatini Cocktail Recipe

Ever been to a spa? I have and I love them! They are serene, quiet, and people pamper you – what’s not to love?

This cocktail is inspired by some of my favorite spa trips. It has a clean, refreshing taste and you know how spas always have those pitchers of water with cucumber and citrus slices? Well, this cocktail could replace that cucumber citrus water. Assuming that spas let you replace water with gin (which would pretty much make it the best spa ever!)

Mint Margarita

Mint Margarita Recipe

Sometimes my job is really tough. Take yesterday for instance; I spent a good couple hours tweaking and tasting (lots of tasting!) a recipe for mint margaritas. It was taxing, tedious work but somehow I suffered through.

Right now my lime tree is prolific and the mint is threating to overtake the garden so a mint margarita seemed like a good way to make use of the bounty. This cocktail is the kissing cousin of the mojito

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