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Honey Lemon Apple Jam

Written by Jeanne Sauvage
Find her at artofglutenfreebaking.com

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Savory Baked Apples with Sausage, Squash, and Onions

Written by Kim Maes

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Cardamom Baked Apples and Pears

Written by Amie Valpon

Gluten Free Apple Cake with Cinnamon Honey Glaze Recipe

Gluten Free Apple Cake with Cinnamon Glaze Recipe

It’s been dreary and rainy in my neck of the woods for a few days and to brighten things up I thought we needed cake!

This gluten free apple cake is simple; grain and refined sugar free and is surprisingly buttery in flavor. Surprising because there isn’t a spec of dairy in it. And just the thing to brighten up a bleak winter’s day.

Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Gluten Free Cinnamon Apple Muffins

It may seem like it is all about the big Turkey Day here in America – Thanksgiving. But if we have guests over the long holiday weekend, we need to feed them more just the one meal. Sure we can fashion the leftovers into respectable lunches and dinners but what about breakfast?

These simple gluten, grain, and dairy muffins are a healthy and delightful way to start the day and, fortunately for the cook, are a snap to make

Gluten Free Caramel Apple Tart

Gluten Free Easy Caramel Apple Tart Recipe

I love it when I can take my own recipe and make it even easier!

I first came up with this gluten free caramel apple tart for my daughter-in-law who wanted to learn some gluten free baking that was not too complicated. The original recipe is in my first book and requires that one start with pie crust.

Learning the basics of baking is always a great place to start – if you can make a great pie crust then the world of pies is at your feet. I am proud to say that my daughter-in-law has perfected her pie crust making skills!

But there are times when you just want to do something fast and easy. Just because you know how to do something well, doesn’t mean you always have to do it!