Gluten Free Old Fashioned Cupcakes

Gluten Free Old Fashion Cupcakes Recipe

I really had no intention of making cupcakes this close to Thanksgiving. After all, I have pies to bake, a turkey to stuff, rolls to make and a thousand other things on my to-do list.

One of those things was to pick the perfect cocktail for Thanksgiving. So I surveyed some people and got a lot of answers that said “an Old Fashion.” I have never had one so I looked up the recipe and my mind starting to take off in another direction. I have a sort of obsession with turning cocktails into gluten free cupcakes

Gluten Free Cherry Balsamic Pork Chops

Gluten Free Pork Chops with Cherry Balsamic Sauce Recipe

You must know by now what a huge fan I am of fancy schmancy gluten free recipes that are easy peasy. This lovely pork chop recipe certainly fits that bill.

With nothing more “gourmet” than some fresh thyme and balsamic vinegar, and about 15 minute, I turned boneless pork chops (which happened to be on sale) into a diner-party-worthy dish.

Normally I brine my pork chops but when I don’t have time for that or just plain forget, I turn to my second favorite way of preparing them – I sear them quickly on top of the stove and then finish them off in the oven. This ensures a moist, evenly cooked pork chop.

What makes these pork chops fancy schmancy is the sauce;

Gluten Free Cherry Almond Ricotta Ice Cream Recipe

Gluten Free Cherry Almond Ricotta Ice Cream Recipe

I grew up in a military family which meant my childhood was spent in various cities and towns around the world, never more than three years in any one given place at a time. There were new schools, new friends, and new cultures. The main constant in my life was change.

Regardless of where we lived, come summertime, there was another constant in my life – ice cream! Whether we lived in Okinawa, The Philippines or Fayetteville, North Carolina, we had homemade ice cream in the summer.

My father had a

Gluten Free Dairy Free Summer Fruit Galette

Gluten Free Summer Fruit Galette Recipe

If you have Martha Stewart pastry aspirations yet your baking skills are more Rachael Ray, I have one word for you – galette.

According to Webster’s Dictionary a galette is defined as:

1: a flat round cake of pastry often topped with fruit

2: a food prepared and served in the shape of a flat round cake

According to me a

Gluten Free Red White and Blueberry Cupcakes Recipe

Gluten Free Red, White & Blueberry Cupcakes Recipe

When I was growing up it was not popular to appear patriotic. It was a time of conflict, confusion and corruption followed by apathetic indifference. And yet despite the unpopularity, I do believe that in my own way I was patriotic.

My father was an Air Force Pilot and he spent the majority of his life defending freedom and doing what he felt was best in the service of our country. I didn’t always agree that what he thought was best really was what was best, but I always believed in why he did it. I will never forget the day I

Gluten Free Cherry Cake

Gluten Free Cherry Cake Recipe

With Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I have started planning how I will celebrate with my own father. I am lucky to be able to spend the day with three significant fathers in my life that day; my Dad, my hubby and my son – all great fathers.

Of course for us, all celebrations revolve around a meal. In trying to decide what to serve I looked to my Grandmother for inspiration. Why? Because I firmly believe that

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