Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Doughnuts

Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Doughnuts Recipe

There are just some things that were destined to go together – things that, while fabulous on their own, when combined increase in fabulocity by tenfold. Chocolate and peanut butter are a perfect example of this.

And when you turn chocolate and peanut butter into gluten free doughnuts, well I would say

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Jelly Donut Muffins

Written by Cara Lyons

Gluten Free Baked Pumpkin Doughnuts

Baked Gluten Free Pumpkin Doughnuts Recipe

It’s October and that means pumpkin season! Pumpkins for carving, pumpkins for pie, pumpkins for breads, cakes and yes, doughnuts!

I can’t think of a better way to start a crisp fall day than with healthy Baked Gluten Free Pumpkin Doughnuts that are free of dairy and refined sugar. Unless they also happen to be super easy to prepare, packed with protein and grain free as well

Gluten Free Chocolate Sunbutter Donuts

Gluten Free Sunbutter Glazed Chocolate Donuts

There is something about donuts that makes any day a little better. Don’t believe me, just ask a cop. I have a theory as to why it is a cliché that cops eat donuts; they spend their days serving and protecting to an often ungrateful public – kind of like being a mom!

If a donut makes the day seem a little brighter, well I say go for it! Of course fried, gluten filled donuts (aka fat pills) aren’t the healthiest way to go if one needs a little brightness in the day. Too much work to repair the damage later.

Gluten Free Honey Lemon Donuts

Gluten Free Honey Lemon Donuts Recipe

Nature has its own interesting way of balancing things out. Just when the temperatures drop and it is cold and flu season, healthy, vitamin C packed citrus is readily available.

When I was a kid, my mom always made a honey lemon concoction for us to drink during cold and flu season, it supposedly helped ward off said diseases and if not, it made us feel better if we did fall ill. With this in mind I came up with a new way to get a nice dose of citrus and honey – DONUTS!

Gluten Free Coconut Doughnuts

Gluten Free Coconut Doughnuts Recipe

Every once in a while I do gluten free cooking or baking classes and last week I had two scheduled back to back. They were based on a basic quick baking mix recipe in my latest cookbook Simply Gluten Free Quick Meals.

The idea is that you whip up a basic mix and from there you can make pancakes, muffins, quick breads, biscuits, dumplings, etc. The beauty of this basic recipe is that you can customize the end product any way you like – if you are dairy-free, you can use a non-dairy liquid, sugar-free, use the sweetener of your choice, that sort of thing.

As I was preparing samples to take to the class I decided at the last minute to use basic mix to whip up some coconut doughnuts – maybe it is not the smartest thing to bake something you have never made before for a hundred strangers but I tell people all the time they need to

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