Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gluten Intolerance & Rheumatoid Arthritis

The story on gluten and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) began almost 50 years ago when Australian physician Dr. Ray Shatin of Alford Hospital in Melbourne published several reports on his successful treatment of RA with a gluten-free, high protein diet including supplements. His findings introduced a concept that in RA patients – as in celiac – […]

Upset Tummy

The Disobedient Gut

Restoring Health Naturally My patients and friends often ask me the same question: Why does a rheumatologist, who treats autoimmune ailments, chronic inflammatory diseases, and arthritis, spend so much time dealing with diet, gastrointestinal issues, and dietary supplements? My answer is that without fixing the gut you cannot restore immune balance (homeostasis) and effectively treat […]

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