Gluten and Weight Control Article

Dealing with Pain Naturally

We all have to deal with pain at one time or another. A common response to deal with pain is to use prescription drugs or over the counter medications, but there are several natural alternatives that can be used safely as a part of everyday pain maintenance. There are several classifications of pain. From a […]

Gluten and Weight Control Article

Gluten and Weight Control

The issue regarding gluten consumption and weight control is a common topic of discussion in our clinic. Often people experience weight loss or weight gain when starting a gluten-free diet. By its obvious nature, gluten intolerance has a profound effect on the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract and production of hormones and enzymes […]

Gluten and Weight Control Article

Tendon Disorders: Risk Factors and Innovative Treatment Options

Tendon disorders are very common among patients with various nutrient deficiencies and account for 20-30% of consultations in rheumatology and orthopedic practices. Tendons are strong fibrous structures that connect muscles to bones and have the main function of transforming the force generated by a muscle contraction into movement. In addition to this, they can absorb […]

Lesley Patterson

Gluten and the Effects on Physical Performance

A dialogue with world champion triathlete Lesley Paterson Over the last several years, a number of world class athletes have reported a significant improvement in their endurance and physical performance after beginning a gluten-free diet. Some recognizable names include tennis player Novak Djokovic, Olympic gold medal swimmer Dana Vollmer, and top ranked pole vaulter Jenn […]

Probiotic Foods

Understanding Probiotics & Prebiotics: The Complete Guide

The human gut contains a myriad of microorganisms which form a well-orchestrated ecosystem known as microbiota. Human microbiota plays a vital role in the human body by regulating immune and inflammatory responses, producing certain vitamins and biologically active substances, scavenging for non-digested food components and metabolites (for example, uric acid causing gout), and feeding the […]

Wheat Bundles

The Brain & Gluten

Discovering the connection between gluten and behavioral changes in children Gluten intolerance is considered one of the most common ailments affecting humans. Nevertheless, it is still one of the least diagnosed medical conditions. In part, there is a discrepancy because gluten intolerance is a great imitator, sharing many of the same symptoms of other conditions […]