Dating Gluten Free

Gluten Free Dating 101

Do you get excited, nervous, or maybe scared when you think of dating? What crosses your mind? Dating gluten-free is not just for the gluten-free single. We all want to enjoy ourselves when we’re out and about. There are a lot of factors involved in dating. Add on dating gluten-free and things could get a bit overwhelming! With that said, have you ever thought about creating a “Dating Do’s” guide for dating you? The gluten intolerant you, that is? I’m the woman to show you how! I’m here to bring you specific tips and ideas for banishing those dating dilemmas and creating a confident, date-ready you.

So, how does one date gluten-free? Your many unanswered questions and thoughts before a date can quickly turn into feelings of doubt, worry, anxiety, and even fear. It’s time to face those fears and get clear so you can cultivate a happy, healthy dating scene. First, answer these questions before going on a date to shrink any uncertainty:

• If going to a restaurant, which one will it be?

• Does this restaurant have gluten-free options? What can I do to find out?

• How am I going to let my date know about my being gluten-free?

• How much personal information am I comfortable sharing with this person?

Some may ask, “Why am I even putting myself through the extra stress of going out under these circumstances?” The answer: because dating gluten-free is fun, figure-outable, and easy when you have a plan!

Before I go on, I’d like to encourage you to “press pause.” Most of the worry and stress associated with dating and socializing is without cause. Just take a moment to step back and breathe! Know that everything is okay and will work out just fine. Those of us with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity must be gentle with ourselves. Our bodies have gone through enough stress and inflammation. If you put the following tips into action, you should be able to alleviate most of your anxiety and enjoy yourself on a date or just a night out with friends.

Be Up Front

The best thing you can do when out on a date is simply to

state your needs right from the get-go.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is the magic ingredient to your recipe for

dating success! Here are some scenarios and action steps  to consider:



You’ve been invited to a friend’s house for a dinner or party.


Bring a dish to enjoy! Not only is it a kind gesture, but it also guarantees that you’ll have something safe to eat.



You’re attending an event at a hotel, restaurant, or bar.


Call ahead and make sure there is something you can eat. Once you arrive, I recommend asking to speak to the chef preparing your food to ensure the proper measures were taken. If at a wedding or event, confirm that you’ve requested a gluten-free meal and let the server know where you are sitting. Once the food arrives, confirm that the meal was prepared with the proper measures.



You’re out and about.


Always carry a snack with you. It will bail you out on many occasions! It’s important to have emergency food on hand in case you’re out of options.

There are plenty of scenarios that I have not covered, but you get the gist. Create a plan whenever and wherever!


Do Your Homework

Know what you can or can’t eat. This means doing your research by talking with others and using the many apps and websites available. Knowing off the top of your head what places cater to your needs will support you and your gluten-free goals.

Be Creative

Time to use those creative juices I know you have within you! Experiment with making your own food so you can confidently invite someone special over for dinner to show off your gluten-free cooking skills. Another option is to change your focus from food and suggest other outings such as:

• Walking or hiking

• Visiting a park, zoo, or museum

• Attending a concert or going to a movie

Be Prepared: The Kiss List

Yes, indeed! If you are super sensitive to gluten you may need to go over these questions with your date before you go in for that smooch. Why? Kissing may be a form of cross-contamination. Here are some questions to get you started:

• What did that person eat or drink today?

• When did they last brush their teeth?

• When did they last wash their face or hands?

I know this may seem a little ridiculous, but if eating something off a spoon that has been cross-contaminated has an effect, so can sharing a kiss (especially if it’s a juicy one!). You are the boss here and will have to tailor your approach to how your body reacts and your specific needs.

Above All … Stay Positive!

Being confident, creative, and positive are traits that serve you. Those you are dating or socializingwith will admire you for your ability to take charge of your needs and be the CEO of your health. Although there are some prerequisites to pass before or while dating gluten-free, it is most definitely possible, especially if you are prepared! As you can see, dating is doable and enjoyable. The bottom line is that you must tailor the date to what you feel comfortable with to ease any added stress or tension.

Happy dating! 


Written by Elyse Wagner

Tags: Date Night Magazine
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