Products for Healthy Resolutions

Products to help maintain healthy resolutions

It’s mid-January – how are your New Year’s goals coming along? Are you eating healthy still? Exercising? Taking your vitamins? And most importantly, are you feeling a difference?

One of the best ways to maintain your goals of eating well and taking good care of yourself is by having go-to foods, drinks, supplements, restaurants, and on-the-go snacks that you can rely on to help maintain those healthy resolutions. Know where you can grab a quick bite to eat when you’re running errands that serves healthy food. Know what kinds of snacks you can make ahead or store-bought items that are low in sugar and high in protein. Know which supplements work for you and which ones can help you feel energized before a workout, recover quicker after a workout, and maintain a healthy body overall.

To get you started, here are a few products to help maintain healthy resolutions.

Chlorophyll Water

Chlorophyll Water

Chlorophyll Water is a purified water (carbon filtered, triple filtered, UV treated) enhanced by nature with the addition of chlorophyll, a key ingredient and the vital green pigment in plant life. Chlorophyll has oxygenating properties, which can help improve energy levels. It is also said to help improve the quality of red blood cells and aide in detoxification. Chlorophyll Water also contains vitamins A, B12, C, and D. The company’s bottles are 100% recyclable and biodegradable, plus they plant a tree in New York with every case that is sold, via the non-profit foundation One Tree Planted. That means if being more environmentally friendly is another New Year’s goal of yours, this company will help you meet that, too!

Give Chlorophyll Water a try during your workouts or when you’re needing a boost while you’re outside in the hot sun or just need to feel better hydrated.

Learn more about Chlorophyll Water here.


LivOn Labs VitaminC

LivOn Labs

Supplements are a big deal in my house. I’ve always been a fan of taking some pure, simple supplements like probiotics, vitamin C, and vitamin B. If you’re looking to maintain good health, supplements are pretty important because it’s difficult these days to get all your nutrients from food. Our food sources simply aren’t as full of nutrients as they once were and when you have celiac disease or other health issues, absorption can be an issue. This is where LivOn Labs comes in. This company offers liposomal supplements, which are supplements that don’t use the traditional nutrient transport system to deliver nutrients to your blood stream. They are encapsulated nutrients that are taken orally and once they reach the intestines they are passed through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream and cells. This is a technology that is wonderful for those who might not feel like they get what they should out of traditional supplements. The science behind this is very interesting, and you can read more here.

LivOn Labs offers vitamin C, B complex, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, and more.

Discover the difference with liposomal supplements here.


Real Ketones Protein Powder

Real Ketones

The Ketogenic (or Keto) diet has become a popular one recently. It’s known for being good for weight loss, so I figure it’s a good time of year to talk about it. If you aren’t aware, the Keto diet is where you cut carbs down to about 20 grams of net carbs per day. It’s kind of a re-packaged version of the Atkins diet, if you’re more familiar with that one. The point is to get your body into ketosis, or in other words to get your body to use fat as its primary energy source rather than carbs/sugars. For those currently on a Keto diet, have you tried adding exogenous ketones to your daily diet/supplement routine? Real Ketones offers exogenous ketones – supplements that are meant to help people achieve ketosis while being slightly less strict on their Keto diet. You can’t just eat what you want, of course, but exogenous ketones help to make it easier to reach ketosis. Ketones offer energy for your workouts or for a busy day. You can try it as a supplement (their BHB formulas) or in a protein powder, collagen, and more. Real Ketones is the only exogenous ketone company that is actively pursuing the furtherment of research and education on the subject of exogenous ketones. Read about their clinical studies here.

Check out the many products Real Ketones has to offer.


Country Life Gut Connection

Gut Connection by Country Life Vitamins

Maintaining good health is greatly dependent on the health of your gut. We’ve all probably heard it by now – the gut bacteria play a huge role in your immune system. A healthy variety of good gut bacteria will help to offset the bad bacteria that will ultimately appear at times in your digestive system. Having good balance starts with a good diet and can be assisted with eating fermented foods and taking prebiotic and probiotic supplements. Gut Connection by Country Life Vitamins is a new line of supplements that starts with a whole food fermentate to help stimulate the good bacteria in the digestive system. It’s available in its original formula – DigestiveBalance – as well as ImmuneBalance, EnergyBalance, CognitiveBalance, StressBalance, MoodBalance, SleepBalance, and WeightBalance. Each formula is designed to help in a different aspect of your life. You can mix-and-match them based on what you’re needing help with at the time, taking it daily to maintain proper health.

Learn more about GutConnection here.

Tags: Diet Healthy Keto Diet New Year Supplements Vitamins
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