Products for Healthy Resolutions

Products to help maintain healthy resolutions

It’s mid-January – how are your New Year’s goals coming along? Are you eating healthy still? Exercising? Taking your vitamins? And most importantly, are you feeling a

Gluten Free Upside Down Lemon Meringue Tart

Gluten Free Upside Down Lemon Meringue Tarts Recipe

When I was a young girl, my father was an attaché to the U. S. Ambassador in the Philippines. We lived in an Embassy Compound in Manila and, as was typical, we were given a household staff. One young woman who worked for us was named Maria and we loved her. We loved her so much

Summer Beach Body

The Lazy Days of Summer

The Perfect Time to Get Fit and Healthy! As we relax into the heart of summer with longer, lazier days spent in the great outdoors, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of the slower pace of life and improve our health, nutrition, and fitness! Our 3-day meal plan is designed to keep […]

Get Lean & Fit

Get Lean & Feel Great!

How to Go Gluten-Free for Weight Loss & Health It seems like the latest craze to lose weight these days is to just go gluten-free. But if you don’t go gluten-free the right way, it can actually also lead to major weight gain. This can happen when you rely on the packaged, highly-processed gluten-free foods […]

Fodmaps Diet

The Low FODMAP Diet

Got Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? You’re definitely in good company. Twenty percent of Americans have it, and for many it’s a lifelong struggle. Some try out a wide range of diet therapies – gluten-free, high fiber, low fiber, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), probiotic-rich, and many others – and often they still suffer from discomfort. Fortunately, […]

Weight Loss

Weight: When You Have the Will, But Not the Way

Have you ever tried to lose weight but couldn’t? Does it seem like no matter what you eat or how little you eat, you still can’t lose weight? Or do you have trouble gaining weight? Does it seem like you can eat and eat, but you still don’t gain weight? I know what many of […]