A picture of Jenny from goof for you gluten free

Get to Know the Blogger Behind Good For You Gluten Free

If you haven’t heard of Jenny Levine Finke from Good For You Gluten Free, pull up a chair because she’s someone you need to know.

Jenny was diagnosed with celiac disease ten years ago, and in that time has become a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, a Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner, and the author of the award-winning book, Dear Gluten, It’s Not Me, It’s You. And she founded the Good For You Gluten Free community, which has amassed millions of readers and followers.

Jenny holding her book drear gluten it's not me, it's you

We wanted to learn more about what motivates Jenny and why so many people in the gluten-free community trust her as one of their primary sources for gluten-free information today.

Q&A with Jenny 

GFMM:  Why do you think your blog resonates with so many people?


Jenny:  My blog is inclusive to everyone on the gluten spectrum, no matter where they are on their journey. I offer a positive and commonsense approach to all I do, and I’m not afraid to challenge the norm or say what others are afraid of speaking. It’s easy to become fearful and paralyzed by the details of the gluten-free lifestyle, and I’ve even seen people get caught up in the craziness of Facebook support groups and influencers hellbent on drumming up rage. I help my community rise above the noise, think for themselves, and do what’s best for them.


GFMM:  You mentioned that you take a commonsense approach. What do you mean by that?


Jenny:  A commonsense approach means I teach people to grow in their skills and knowledge so they can make good decisions about what they will and won’t eat. For example, many people in the celiac community tell others they shouldn’t eat out. But that’s not realistic. Eating out is a part of life. Instead, I help our community approach eating out with common sense. What do we need to do and say to get a safe meal? Once people feel confident in their knowledge and skills, they can navigate almost any situation.


GFMM:  What skill do you think every gluten-free person should master?


Jenny:  Everyone should learn to read a food label and decode ingredients for gluten. Unfortunately, reading labels continues to challenge the community as gluten hides in random foods and complex ingredients. Some tools, like the Fig app, can help a person quickly scan food labels for potential sources of gluten. Above all else, I only purchase products that are naturally gluten free and don’t require a food label (i.e., eggs, avocados, apples, etc.) or products labeled gluten free. I hope more companies will see the value in testing – and labeling – their foods “gluten free.”


GFMM:  Your blog and book focus on your healing journey. Can you tell us more about that?


Jenny:  I learned it takes more than trading regular donuts for gluten-free donuts to feel better. I needed to learn a new way of eating if I ever wanted to heal and seal my damaged gut. I wasn’t afraid to experiment on myself and try different foods and supplements to see how they made me feel. And I’m glad I did because today, I live a symptom-free life and have put my celiac disease into remission. I will always have celiac disease and need to follow a gluten-free diet, but I’m proud that I live a full life with celiac disease.


GFMM:  What else do you want the gluten-free community to know?


Jenny:  I want the gluten-free community to know they have a choice. They can choose to live a positive, healthy, fulfilled, and satisfied life despite their gluten disorder. Or they can choose to allow their disease to rule – and in some cases, ruin – their lives. I  like to think that celiac disease happened for me, not to me. It has taught me so much about myself, the role of food in my life, and how to successfully navigate challenges along the way. Life is sometimes messy, and I’ve chosen to make my “mess” my mission.


Subscribe to Jenny’s weekly newsletter.


Find Jenny at Good For You Gluten Free and follow her on Instagram and TikTok.

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