October GF Product Roundup

October gluten-free product round-up

October is nearing its end, so to close out the month let’s take a look at some of the fantastic products we fell in love with this month. From snacks to protein and

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4 surprising health benefits of kefir

Kefir is a naturally gluten-free, fermented yogurt-type drink that offers a ton of nutrients and more than 50 probiotic strains. I recently learned 4 surprising health benefits of

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Detoxify your system with Body Ecology

Every now and then we need to reset our bodies. We need to flush out the toxins and start fresh. This is especially true for those with a history of digestive issues or maybe those who are

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Give your veggies a boost with Body Ecology’s Culture Starter

In many cultures around the world, fermented (or cultured) foods are common. From sauerkraut in Europe to kimchi in Korea to kombucha in China, fermented foods have had a long history and some of these are only now

Flu and Cold Remedies

Staying Healthy in Flu Season with Body Ecology

We are still in the thick of flu season, people! Are you doing what you can to stay well? I think I can speak for us all when I say that no one wants to get hit with the flu or a cold or any other common winter illness. That said, here are some

Gluten free holiday meal

Digesting the Holidays with Body Ecology

Oh, the holidays! It’s the most wonderful time of the year … but if you have food intolerances, it can also be a pretty scary time of year. Will I eat something that will