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Detoxify your system with Body Ecology

Every now and then we need to reset our bodies. We need to flush out the toxins and start fresh. This is especially true for those with a history of digestive issues or maybe those who are newly diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It could be after the holidays when you’ve been drinking and indulging on treats or maybe it’s right after a vacation when you’ve been dining out more than usual or even just because you’ve been feeling a bit sluggish and want to regain some energy.

If you feel like you need to detox your body, Body Ecology has several products that are great on their own but amazing together!

The products I like to use together to refresh my body are Ancient Earth Minerals, LivAmend, Ocean Plant Extract, and CocoBiotic.

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Ancient Earth Minerals is a combination of micro and macro minerals and amino acids which help to detoxify your body, reduce signs of aging and build immunity. These are necessary minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and more. I’ve written about this product in this previous post if you want to learn more. It’s available in capsules or liquid.
LivAmend increases bile flow which optimizes the health of your liver, promoting an increase in glutathione which is an important antioxidant for detoxification. An increase in bile flow also protects against parasites and candida (yeast), and improves bowel elimination.
Ocean Plant Extract is high in minerals like iodine, plus alginates, B vitamins, and antiviral/antifungal/anti-inflammatory agents. It is a raw, concentrated, and pure product sourced from wild ocean seaweed from Patagonia.
CocoBiotic is a liquid probiotic made of organic, non-GMO grains and coconuts. It helps heal leaky gut, improve digestive health and control yeast overgrowth.

When your body feels like it needs to be renewed or you’re feeling sluggish, detoxing with these Body Ecology products is a great way to get you back on track.

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Tags: Body Ecology Detox Probiotics Wellness

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