Peanut Butter Cookies

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

On a hot and sticky September afternoon in the year 2000 I walked into a sterile, frigid building, looked into his eyes and fell head over heels in love with a stranger.

His name is Julian. He is a thoughtful, artistic, sensitive soul with a laugh that

Lemon Tahini Dressing

Gluten Free Lemon Tahini Dressing Recipe

We are eight days into a new year and so far so good for me and mine. I hope you can all say the same about you and yours!

I have been giving thought lately to the ways in which one changes one’s life. There are the big ways, i.e. a marriage, a new baby, a new job and then there are the little ways. When it comes to improving

grilled vegetable salad

Gluten Free Grilled Vegetable Salad Recipe

This recipe came about as so many of mine often do – out of running late and laziness.

Before I learned better, I used to throw dinner parties that would consist of complicated, time consuming food preparations and, while the food was great, I was too stressed out to enjoy my guests.
Now when I entertain, I keep it much

Grilled Lettuce

Gluten Free Grilled Lettuce Salad Recipe

I like to re-think old classics. Take the iceberg lettuce wedge. This is one classic that has made quite the comeback. Icy cold wedges of lettuce topped with creamy

Intestinal Parasites image

Hidden Infections and Gluten Intolerance

I’ve been a bad blogger! No post in ages. I just returned from a little family vacation in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was nice to go home again but the problem is that whenever I go back I am at a loss to see why I ever moved in the first place. I […]

Gluten filled foods

What’s the Deal with Gluten?

In response to a number of emails and conversations I have had recently, I decided to write a post on gluten. First of all, let me just make this perfectly clear – I am not a doctor! Nor am I a scientist, a nutritionist or any kind of practitioner of any sort – except maybe […]

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