Gluten Free Arctic Cocktail

Arctic Sunset Cocktail Recipe

There are times in life when pretty much everyone will agree are worthy of celebrating; the birth of a child, weddings, milestone moments, anniversaries, and such.

But life can be filled with everyday moments to celebrate if you look for them

Gluten Free Spatini

Gluten Free Spatini Cocktail Recipe

Ever been to a spa? I have and I love them! They are serene, quiet, and people pamper you – what’s not to love?

This cocktail is inspired by some of my favorite spa trips. It has a clean, refreshing taste and you know how spas always have those pitchers of water with cucumber and citrus slices? Well, this cocktail could replace that cucumber citrus water. Assuming that spas let you replace water with gin (which would pretty much make it the best spa ever!)

Roasted Shrimp with Wasabi

Gluten Free Roasted Shrimp with Wasabi Cocktail Sauce Recipe

Labor Day is coming up and this signals the end of summer. The weather may not change right away, but the state of mind does. School goes back into session, all that remains of summer vacations are tan lines and a big credit card bill and in a lot of cases the weekend barbeque ceases to exist for the next

Gluten Free CBD-Cranberry-Ginger-Kombucha-Mocktail-Feature

Cranberry Ginger Kombucha Mocktail with CBD

I’m not going to lie, I do enjoy a glass of wine and a well-crafted cocktail, but I also enjoy a great mocktail, especially when it’s…


Chill Tea Mojito

In the dog days of summer, there is not much more refreshing than a tall glass of iced tea.

Honey Bourbon Lemonade

What could be better than an icy cold glass of lemonade in the summer? I will tell you – Honey Bourbon Lemonade!

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