Honey Acres Mint Truffles

Enjoy healthier Easter candy with Honey Acres dark chocolates

Easter goodies are probably everywhere you turn lately – jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, Peeps, chocolate carrots, marshmallow stuffed chocolate bunnies holding jelly beans with chocolate eggs around their feet and chocolate carrots in their mouths! (Ok, that last one doesn’t exist as far as I know, but you get my point.) Candy is everywhere right now, and I can go ahead and guess that 90% of it has loads of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial coloring, and other questionable ingredients in it. So, what’s a person to do when they see candy everywhere and those cravings strike?

How about trying Honey Acres dark chocolates instead of that chocolate bunny with crazy candy eyes? Sounds good to me!

Honey Acres Mint Truffles.jpg

Honey Acres is a family-owned company that produces honey and honey-based products and runs a retail store and beekeeping museum on a beautiful 40-acre plot of land in Wisconsin. One of my favorite products they offer is their Mint Dark Chocolate Honey Truffles, which contain just 3 simple, clean ingredients: raw honey, natural peppermint extract, and 99% dark chocolate liquor. They are free of gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, salt, and are kosher, low calorie, all natural and contain no added sugars.

They are available in an 18-count bag, which is perfect for one to leisurely savor for a few weeks (you know, until the Easter candy that goes on sale has been sold out, so it no longer tempts you) or you can share the bag with your family. Whatever you decide, these treats are so much more delicious, simple, and pure, making them ideal for a special holiday like Easter!

Tags: Candy Chocolate Dairy Free Easter Gluten-Free Gluten-Free Products Honey Honey Acres Mint Optionally Nut Free

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