PlusCBD Oil Spray

What is CBD?

Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, we’re about to dive into some science! I promise, it won’t be too complex. (I was never much good at science myself.) Today we’re talking about cannabidiol, better known as CBD.

First, a couple definitions:

  • Cannabinoid:

    A class of chemical compounds found naturally inside animal and human bodies (endocannabinoids) and plants (phytocannabinoids). There also are synthetic cannabinoids, used for pharmaceuticals. CBD is a type of phytocannabinoid.


  • Endocannabinoid System (ECS):

    The system within our bodies that helps maintain homeostasis (balance) between various parts of the body. This system is made up of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system and in other parts of the body that bond with cannabinoids, and enzymes that break down cannabinoids. It plays an important role in everything from memory to metabolism to stress response to immune function and more. This article gives you a more in-depth breakdown of the ECS. It’s a quick read and I highly recommend it.

If you’re wondering why you’ve only recently heard of the endocannabinoid system, I understand. It’s new to me, too. In fact, it’s pretty new to scientists. They put a name to this system in the 90s and they’re still researching its role in regulating a variety of diseases and ailments, like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and more.

For those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the research thus far about CBD and gut health is promising.

CBD has the potential for helping people with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or other gut health issues by targeting three areas: leaky gut, inflammation, and autoimmune response.

“CBD regulates cannabinoid receptors in the body, thus reducing inflammation and blocking immune pathways, which then allows the body to restore the integrity of the tight junctions and epithelial cells in the gut,” said Miles Sarill, National Educator for CV Sciences (makers of PlusCBD oil).

Plus CBD Oil.jpg

If leaky gut isn’t necessarily your issue, the inflammation and immune support properties of CBD may still be what your body needs to heal. Think about how your body feels after you’ve been accidentally glutened – inflammation, migraine, joint pain – if you have any of those, CBD may help.

Look for hemp-derived CBD products that say “full-spectrum,” “broad-spectrum,” or “total plant complex” to get not only the benefits of CBD but also antioxidants, terpenes, and other nutrients within the hemp plant. One of our favorites here at Gluten Free & More is PlusCBD oil, available in capsules, spray, oil drops, and balm.

For more information, check out the full version of this article by our editor, Malory Speir, in the upcoming May/June issue of Gluten Free & More Magazine.

Tags: CBD oil CV Sciences Hemp Plus CBD Oil

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