Infographic: Gluten in Kids' Crafts

Gluten in Kids’ Crafts Infographic

This helpful infographic shows you what arts and crafts products may contain gluten, so you can keep your kids safe.

Gluten Free Sunbutter and Jelly Cookies

Gluten Free Sunbutter & Jelly Cookies

Just because a kid can’t eat gluten, or dairy, or peanuts, (or all three!) shouldn’t mean they need to feel deprived when it comes to treat time.

The cool thing about these

Gluten Free Shirley Temple Popsicles

Shirley Temple Popsicles

I may have mentioned before that Shirley Temples (the kiddie cocktails) hold a special place in my heart. They remind me of celebratory dinners with my family – the only time my sisters and I were allowed to drink soda.

I am also more than just a little bit obsessed with taking one

Gluten Free Sunbutter Cheesecake Pops

Gluten Free Sunbutter Cheesecake Pops Recipe

For both the appetizers and desserts, I like little bites, things people can pick up and eat without having to have utensils. Little bites of deliciousness.

Gluten Free Graveyard Cupcakes

Gluten Free Graveyard Cupcakes

The answer to school functions and parties is simple – bring gluten free treats to share and your kiddo won’t wind up caving into temptation or end up feeling left out.

These creepy graveyard cupcakes are so easy to make that you can even get the kids involved – another great way to

Gluten Free Chicken and Apple Skewers

Gluten Free Chicken & Apple Skewers Recipe

I spent what seems like an eternity packing school lunches every morning and throwing half of it away every evening. And worrying that my kids were going to starve to death.

I did learn a few lunch time tricks