Gluten Free Sauteed Chard with Shallots and Currants

Sautéed Chard with Shallots & Currants Recipe

Written by Hallie Klecker

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Pork Chops au Poivre

This recipe is exciting and delicious and it only takes 5 ingredients and 20 minutes to make. The pork chops are covered in a butter, shallot, and cream sauce.

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Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Shallots & Dates

Written by Hallie Klecker

Gluten Free Rosemary Grape Focaccia

Gluten Free Focaccia with Grapes and Rosemary Recipe

I had a rough go of it the other day. I attended a business dinner at a lovely restaurant and despite the continual reassurances from the chef that I would be served only gluten free recipes, I got glutenized. Unfortunately this is one of the risks we face when eating food from any place other than our own safe kitchens.

My symptoms are very much like a hang-over (or so I have heard) which is a really cruel trick as not one single drop of the exquisite wine served with dinner passed my lips. I woke up with a monster headache, feeling tired and achy and my stomach was queasy. So I did my usual in these instances, I

Gluten Free Tuscan Chicken and White Beans

Gluten Free Tuscan Chicken and White Beans Recipe

A couple years ago, my hubby and I went to France and Italy. I had been trying to get him to go for years to no avail. His standard answer to my suggestion of a European vacation was: “What is there to do?”
I know. Where do you even begin in answering such

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