Question Marks

Gluten Free FAQ’s with Dr.Vikki

Dr. Vikki Petersen weighs in on some common questions I was diagnosed with celiac disease/gluten sensitivity and am following a gluten-free diet, but I still don’t feel better. Why? There are one of two things occurring for this individual. The first is that they “think” they’re being strict with their diet when they continue to ingest […]

Citrus Fruit

Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

As the weather cools and we spend more time indoors, colds and flus become more frequent. If you ask most people what causes a cold or flu, they’ll tell you a virus. Well, I’d like to correct that viewpoint. Yes, colds are a leading cause of visits to the doctor and missed days from work […]

Woman with Headache

Could It Be Gluten? Your Body’s Many Reactions

Think that your problem couldn’t be caused by gluten sensitivity? Think again. If you’re still under the impression that people who react to gluten always have diarrhea, then you’re still old school. If you think that it has to involve any digestive symptom at all, you’re behind the times. Gluten sensitivity comes in all shapes […]

Children in the Grass

Children with Spectrum Disorders Benefit from Special Diets

Has your child been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder? If such conditions have not touched your family, it’s likely that you know someone for whom it has. The incidence of autism has risen from 1 in 150 American children in 2007 to 1 in 88 in 2012 according to the Center for […]

Aging and Gluten

Is Gluten Aging You?

Would you rather “look” older than your years or “feel” older? That’s an unfair question, I suppose. We should probably offer up another option – neither! In fact, let’s opt for looking and feeling younger than our chronological age! We may have no sway over our chronological age but when it comes to biological age, we can definitely turn the […]

Gluten Free or Healthy?

Are You Eating Healthy…Or Just Gluten-Free?

Miley did it. So did Kim K. And let’s not forget Lady Gaga. What am I talking about? Did they all sell their souls to maintain their notoriety? Well … yes, actually. But they also went gluten-free and were more than happy to spew nonsense about how by simply going gluten-free, they were able to […]