Gluten Free Pumpkin Cranberry Pancakes

Gluten Free Pumpkin and Cranberry Pancakes Recipe

I see no reason to reserve pumpkins and cranberries for the Thanksgiving table when they go really well on the breakfast table as well. In the form of pancakes.

These grain-free pancakes are

Gluten free Sunbutter & Banana Pancakes

Gluten Free Sunbutter & Banana Pancakes Recipe

Looking for a new gluten free pancake recipe? One that isn’t loaded with starch but is packed with protein and will get you and your kids off to a great start?

These simple pancakes have just 5 ingredients, take minutes to make, and

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Peanut Butter & Banana Pancakes

Ingredients 2 ripe bananas, peeled ½ cup peanut, almond, cashew, or sunflower seed butter 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Grapeseed or vegetable oil, for cooking Directions Preheat the oven to 200ºF. Mash the bananas in a large mixing bowl. Add the nut or seed butter, eggs, and baking powder. Mix well Heat a […]

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Apple Cinnamon Pancakes


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Blueberry Pancakes

Ingredients 2 cups Basic Pancake Mix (see here) 2 large eggs or equivalent amount of egg substitute 1 cup milk or non-dairy milk 1 tablespoon sugar Grapeseed or vegetable oil, for cooking 1½ cups fresh or frozen blueberries (defrost if frozen) Directions Preheat the oven to 200ºF. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the […]

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Basic Pancake Mix

Ingredients 4½ cups brown rice flour (preferably superfine) 1½ cups tapioca starch 3 tablespoons gluten-free baking powder 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 cup non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening (preferably organic) Directions In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the brown rice flour, tapioca starch, baking powder, and salt. Cut the shortening into the dry ingredients until the […]

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