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Tahini Slaw

Written by AndreAnna McLean

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Maple Tahini Dressing

Written by Hallie Klecker

Gluten Free Szechuan Chicken Noodle Salad

Gluten Free Nut Free Szechuan Chicken Noodle Salad Recipe

I just love it when I can make a really tasty meal from scrounging around in my pantry, don’t you? I love it even more when the meal I make seems like a lot of effort went into it and yet, in reality it was so simple!

Such is the case with this gluten free, nut free Szechuan Chicken Noodle Salad; it is a tad exotic, amazingly addictive, and yet, in all honestly it was literally thrown together with what I had in my pantry, spice cabinet, fridge, and garden.

Gluten Free Middle Eastern Pasta Salad

Gluten Free Middle Eastern Pasta Salad Recipe

I used to eat lunch at a Middle Eastern restaurant that offered a sumptuous midday buffet filled with all sorts of tasty gluten free offerings. My favorite part of the meal was the end when I had little bits and pieces of all sorts of flavors on my plate and I would scrape them up into one delightful forkful of flavor.

That last exotic forkful was the inspiration for this pasta salad; lots of ingredients used in Middle Eastern dishes all mingled together into a refreshing salad perfect for a hot summer’s day.

This salad is a great addition to a barbecue, as a side dish or vegan main dish if you leave out the feta; it is light yet filling at the same time.

Unlike many pasta salads that have a mayonnaise base, the dressing is

Lemon Tahini Dressing

Gluten Free Lemon Tahini Dressing Recipe

We are eight days into a new year and so far so good for me and mine. I hope you can all say the same about you and yours!

I have been giving thought lately to the ways in which one changes one’s life. There are the big ways, i.e. a marriage, a new baby, a new job and then there are the little ways. When it comes to improving

Gluten Free Hummus

Gluten Free Hummus Recipe

It’s Holiday time! ‘Tis the season to be jolly. To eat, drink and be merry. To gain 10 pounds, do serious damage to your waist line and quite possibly your liver.

Don’t get me wrong. I love holiday parties. Houses twinkle, guests glitter and drinks clink. But all that partying can take its toll on our health. It is hard to navigate all the