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Gluten Free Apple Cider Waffles Recipe

Written by Natalia Mantur

GF Cinnamon Bun Waffles

Gluten Free Vegan Cinnamon Bun Waffles

What happens when a gluten free, vegan waffle and a cinnamon bun have a baby? You get gluten free vegan cinnamon bun waffles!

These fun waffles have all that yummy taste of a cinnamon bun but with a whole lot less trouble

Gluten Free Falafel Waffle Recipe

Gluten Free Vegan Falafel Waffles Recipe

My home kitchen is fairly well equipped. I have a few sets of really good knifes, great pots and pans, a couple of heavy duty mixers, three (yes, three!) food processors, a pasta maker, an ice cream machine, an ice crusher, multiple slow cookers, a couple high speed blenders and pretty much every

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Cocoa Waffles

Written by Kim Maes


Waffle Hash Browns with Smoked Salmon and Quick-Pickled Red Onions

Waffle Hash Browns with Smoked Salmon and Quick-Pickled Red Onions make a great hearty breakfast meal!

A white plate of Salsa Macha Breakfast Tostadas with a fried egg on top.

Salsa Macha Breakfast Tostadas

Looking for a new breakfast recipe that is not pancakes or waffles? Lately I’ve been loving these Salsa Macha Breakfast Tostadas. This breakfast recipe is a nice change from my usual gluten-free bagel I eat most mornings. This Salsa Macha is made with Marukan Genuine Brewed Rice Vinegar to balance out all the flavors in […]

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